The 8D Association is dedicated to promoting the history of the railways of South Lancashire, Merseyside and North Cheshire.
Low Level Then and Now.
A selection of then and now pictures from along the line.
Waterloo Road Crossing.

Photographer and Date unknown.

Both images have the reference point of the deviation line bridge in the background.
24th January 2013.
24th January 2013.
Photo by Les Fifoot.

A Stanier 8F Class 2-8-0 light engine movement awaiting the road to cross Waterloo Road crossing IN 1967.
Photo by Les Fifoot.

From the same point there is nothing to indicate that a railway ever existed here let alone the amount of sidings seen in the previous shot. January 2013.
Photo by Les Fifoot.

From the footplate of an 8F approaching Waterloo Crossing in 1967.
Photo by Les Fifoot.

No reference points now exist to tie the two images together. The sign to the far right is the only link to the past, The Waterloo Centre. 24th January 2013.
Photo by Les Fifoot.
Carterhouse Junction.

A pair of Class 20’s pass the box at Carterhouse in 1987 en route to Warrington Arpley.
Photo by Terry Callaghan.

The decline of the box and the local ICI plant is evident in this picture. 60 023 is hauling a Liverpool Bulk Terminal to Fiddlers Ferry coal train. 17th August 2006.
Photo by Terry Callaghan.

With the signal box also now gone Network Rail has seen fit to erect palisade fencing all around the area. 950 001 is seen passing the site of the box with a special working from Liverpool Lime Street to Latchford sidings. 27th October 2012.
Photo by Terry Callaghan.
Warrington Bank Quay Low Level.

41213 departing Bank Quay Low Level for Manchester Oxford Road. May 1961.
Photo by Harry Arnold M.B.E. / Waterway Images.

The Railway Hotel to the top right and the towers in the Lever Brothers works to the top left give reference points for the picture. Apart from that you would never know a station existed here. In 1998, No 31434 is seen passing the site with the weekly Folly Lane to Dalry salt train.
Photo by Terry Callaghan.